Visa Procedure

We therefore take this opportunity to brief you in respect of your Visa Processing, Travel Arrangements and other formalities so that you may prepare yourself and depart on your journey to Prosperity absolutely hassle free and without facing any problems.

Kindly take a note of the following and strictly act accordingly:


A. Original Computerized Valid Passport along with All Previous Passports, if any.
B. Original Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC).
C. 6 Cm x 4 Cm Colored Photographs with Off White Background: 2 Nos.
D. Normal Colored Passport Size Photographs: 12 Nos.
E. All Attested Original Certificates / Degrees along with their respective Attested Arabic Translation Copies. .
F. Medical Fitness Certificate.
A. You have to get your Medical Test done for which you have to contact our Nearest Office (Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Multan & Peshawer) along with your:

– Original Passport
– Original CNIC
– 4 Recent Passport Size Photographs.

We shall provide you a GAMCA Number, after obtaining the same from GAMCA office as per Rules of Royal Saudi Consulate in this regard. You shall get your Medical Test done by a Medical Center which is approved by the Saudi Consulate at the Cost of Rs 2,300 which shall be borne by you. In case, you are declared medically Unfit, No further action shall be taken in respect of Visa Processing.

A. First of all you have to get all the Certificates / Degree translated in Arabic by self. B. If you have obtained your Degree from a University located outside Pakistan, you have to get your Degree attestation from the Royal Saudi Consulate located in that country, by yourself.

After obtaining Visa, you shall be provided with the Copies of Visa and Passport along with Original CNIC. You have to go yourself to the nearby NADRA Office. You shall forward your Original CNIC along with NADRA Receipt to our Office. Against this NADRA Fee, NADRA shall send your Foreign Country Registration Card within Three (3) Months at your Residential Address through Courier Service. NOTE: This NADRA Fee shall also NOT be paid by us OR the client

You shall sign all the Documents which are required as per Rules of Government of Pakistan while you forward to our Office, the NADRA Receipt. On the basis of these Signed Documents we shall complete our Official Formalities as well as get the formalities of Protector of Emigrants completed on your Passport. Kindly allow us some time to finish this process. We will keep you posted once this process is completed.

Once the Formalities of Protector of Emigrants are complete, we shall forward your Details to our Travel Agents to make Travel arrangements. As soon as your Seat is confirmed, we shall inform you giving you at least

3 Days Notice.
We shall make every effort that Applicants Travel from the Nearest International Airport to their respective City to your work location in a direct flight, however if it is not possible for whatever reason, the Applicants themselves have to make arrangement to travel to Karachi, Islamabad and Lahore.
