Dijkot Habib Brothers is a complete manpower solution provider. Our services start from the time of signing the contract with our client, and continue till we are achieve the desired level of satisfaction. Our services include head hunting, pre testing, mobilizing, and development of the manpower.
Resume Search – Resources.
1- Data Bank
2- Branch offices in various cities of Pakistan.
3- Advertisement in most common daily newspapers.
4- District employment and manpower offices.
5- Specialized agencies in Pakistan.
6- Workers welfare organizations.
7- industrial and technical training centers.
8- Vocational Training centers .
9- skills development institutions.
10- Head Hunting /network of agents in countrywide
Head Hunting
Head hunting starts the moment we receive complete job profile from our client. Our head hunters first go through our data bank, and after completely studying the data, they shortlist the desired candidate which is future reviewed by our technical team before the candidate is summoned for a personal interview. Personal interview is preceded by a short written test and if the candidate qualified it, then he is interviewed by our technical team.
Pakistan, by virtue of its large area and population, is the ideal place for hunting technical and semi-technical categories.
One very important aspect of head-hunting is convincing the prospective candidate about the work culture and salary structure of the company and fringe benefits or incentives by the company. This is not only helps us in getting the right talent but also helps in building our client’s image alongside ours.
The other practice, which is age-old, is to place advertisement in leading newspapers, giving the exact details of the job. But it is not necessary that the right man may have the paper and hence there is every possibility of losing the right candidate.
Head hunting undoubtedly is the most important service of recruiting agent, but there are other numerous services associated with head hunting that must be fulfilled before the final development of manpower.
Dijkot Habib Brothers, is also associated with the Trade Testing institutions and Medical center in all over the country.
Trade testing institutes helps in testing the skills of a person. We have qualified to test all type of categories like masons, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, welders, drivers, mechanics, HVAC, technicians, etc. We have well experienced engineers who are capable of testing all categories of candidates. After the testing is complete, grading is given to the applicants on the basis of their performance. For e.g. A candidate with A+ is excellent (80%) whereas the one with ‘C’ is graded incapable.
Most of the GCC countries require a medical examination of the candidates before his visa process starts. If the candidate is found medically FIT, then he is processed through our visa processing officer.
This is unique facility provided to our esteemed clients. Just by a click, you can track the progress of your visas by entering the sponsor name as password. Hence, you can track your visa anytime and as per your convenience.
After the visa is processed, development of manpower is started through own IATA approved travel Agency named” Evergreen Travels (Pvt) Ltd. Which is authorised to book air tickets on all domestic & international airline and is useful automated booking System